old car tours havana

Old Car Tours Havana to Cuba Libro (Cuba Book)

ZeroBytehavana tour, private havana tour, vintage cars tours

What is Cuba Libro (Cuba Book)?

Cuba Libro is the only English language bookstore in Cuba. It was started in 2013 by Conner Gorry, an American living in Havana. In addition to bookstore founder, Gorry is also a journalist and freelance writer. She says the idea for Cuba Libro came to her when a friend dropped off a yellow bag of used books. Neither she nor her friend had room for the books but Gorry thought it would be wonderful to have a place where Cubans and tourists alike could come together to share in literature and conversation. Taking old car tours Havana to a place like Cuba Libro is not only enjoyable for you but also helps support the local people and community.

Gorry strives to run an ethical and socially responsible business by hosting or engaging in:

  • free cultural events
  • an organic farm share
  • donations
  • community outreach
  • educational activities

According to the founder Cuba Libro (Cuba Book) has “policies and practices based on a philosophy of accessibility, equity, equality and good cheer.”


Anything Other Than Books?

Cuba Libro sells English language books and magazines but that’s not all! They also offer coffee, tea and juice. Outside they provide hammocks in which you can lounge and read. They host author visits, book signings and art shows by local artists. Visitors can purchase authentic, local Cuban art to bring home and treasure as precious souvenirs of their visit. Many people consider Cuba Libro a cultural centre rather than just a bookstore.

old car tours havana cuba libro

Old Car Tours Havana-The Best of the Bunch

Cuba Libro is in the Havana neighbourhood of Vedado. The best way to get there is to be chauffeured in a vintage car of course. VC Tours offers an experience unique to you. You set the time and the pace. You choose the locations. Stop and see all the local attractions on your way to the bookstore. After you arrive in style take your time browsing the store and chatting with the locals. When you’re ready we will drop you back off at your specified location. Get tons of historical knowledge along the way. Have an experience you will never forget!

old car tours havana